the day beautiful- why i should prepare for CAT..
god only knows what made me get up early today...
may be it was the sun shine or the singing bird which came through my open door..
well the day just started right & i am expecting it a beautiful one..
this is the third day of navaratri & i am taking resolution of getting up early each days which are going to come due to mearcy of god..
well i have to crack the cat & get into IIMA..& why?
let me try to answer this..
point by point..
the first point is that i want to enjoy the company of good people..people who are having intellect,curiousity,ambition,determination.. ppl who are full of life ..who want to experiance there life intensly..they are not afraid of coming world ..infect they are impataint & waiting is very rare until it is not there own statragic decision.
second point ...
i want to utilize myself fully,efficiantly..well i am full of energy & i want to happens in my morning running every day..
i runs & runs & runs & it exhaust me for some time physically but mently it never satisfy me & so i runs again ..& each coming days it is the same..
also there is saying, "why walk if u can run" & if u never heard this before then give me credit of saying this..
third point....
i am a good motivator.. new ideas burn me every day..
i think big & want to see my ppl doing gr88 things..
4th point..
i am hungry of praise..i need attention..i am a bit jealous if someone else are getting attention..
& if he is less efficient & capable then me then this evokes anger in me..sometimes it makes me to withdraw...i dont want to be in this kind of situation.. i dont want to be ruined by my own capability..let the others who claims to be more capable destroy me..
5th point..
Money is the one parameter, which i recognise ,is capable of showing of my capabilities to others..i dont want 2 make this parameter as a permanent one for myself...for that i need to cross this milestone early in my life...
there r one shloka in kathopnishad...
before starting his journey for the ultimate purusharth Moksha rishi says " o Agni make me tejasvee, o varun make me welthy,o pavan make me that with all of my capability i can persue the ultimate goal.. will coming writings..
एक टिप्पणी भेजें
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