ContrADICTion,confusion,crEATivity,confidence,arguments, inTELLegence,humBLEneSS,aggrisiveness melted & cREAteD the soul i am...loves to expLORE, extrapolate,theorise & think about the fields which are not releted , basicaly a Wandering & Curious soul who dosn't get quanched ..

रविवार, अगस्त 14, 2005

A gift you never know..

Come together & feel the freedom
Save it Savor it & if you like it, Share it.
A gift you never know..

Take deep breath in & sense the sovereignty
Voice your voice & See that its you
Your head which you held high,
Your spine which is straight & strong..
Your arms which is free to act
& your legs which can march through marshal

Come together & feel the freedom
Save it Savor it & if you like it, Share it.
A gift you never know..

But remember ..
it doesn’t came free of cost.

For every breath there are many chocked lung
For every voice there are many buried weeping

Head which you held high a gift u never know
Many heads crushed by butt of revolver

Your straight spine a gift you never know..
Many spines over ran by horses,

Arms tied legs broken Head crushed & spine wrecked
On that podium you stand straight

A gift you never know
Save it,Savor it & if you like it, Share it.
Come together & feel the freedom.