ContrADICTion,confusion,crEATivity,confidence,arguments, inTELLegence,humBLEneSS,aggrisiveness melted & cREAteD the soul i am...loves to expLORE, extrapolate,theorise & think about the fields which are not releted , basicaly a Wandering & Curious soul who dosn't get quanched ..

गुरुवार, अप्रैल 14, 2005

nema,s,nupur & P3

today s called me long..i were missing her...
Any way p3 is going to join tcs this 19th ..& she told me about nupur's joining..
coimbtore doesn't seems a bad place..will ask p3 abt this..
neema came this morning & we gone sac to play badminton..his friend siddarth is quite good in it..
then we with udusth of tcs taken breakfast..
whole day then i was quite hot in afternoon..
i am thinking of visiting kerala ..may be i will be able to squeeze a week this summer..
then i will visit andmaan nicobar..& feel thy tranquility & wast dense forest..
will write later ..not in a mood..