This is the thought which striked me today while discussing .in GFM class...
& i am thinking of submitting this (after refinement) under Opportunity Identification and Assessment http://www.iimahd.
The de-linking of essential commodity inflation with supply of money into the market by RBI action..
There is trade-off between growth which requires supply of money to be invested in new projects, machinery or developmental works..& inflation which occurs due to more money into the hand of consumer competing for limited supply of items…
In a perfect economic word they are reversely related & there is gain with pain..
My exploration is to find out ways & means so that a country uses pockets of imperfect markets existing in globalised world of today to ensure the better trade-off between inflation & growth by providing more options...
Strategy wherein you consciously enter into business with imperfect market & grow together..
INDIA at X-Road:-
The Dream & Necessity :Our nation's current average Age is around this means we are young nation today. This is assets/boon to us & There is lot we can do to improve our situation on economic/political/front. Remember the same boon/assets may become our liability when this generation retires.. there will be so many people who will require to be maintained a happy & prosperous life. Japan & Europe are old nation today however there are many fortune 500 companies from Europe & Japan whose profits are big support to those nations… It is our generations sole responsibility to use the assets well & create future assets in terms of creating global companies….This will require high growth over a continuous long period of time..
after opening of economy to the world in 1990-91 we started growing and linking our economy with the globalised world.. our avg. CAGR over last 20 years is around 6-7%……. This will not suffice to achieve our necessity. Current expectation of growth is 8-10 % of CAGR over a period of generation(30yrs) ..which will create enough wealth so that this generation retires to a happy life…with more than 1/3rd of global fortune 500 companies being Indian.. feeding back the profits to our nation with so many retired people to feed on.. ( need to check what % of growth will suffice over 30 year period to achieve this..)
How we will do this a question which we need to ponder on..
& we have to create our own path copying china will not serve our purpose as nature /time, opportunities& threat are different..
Further compromising Growth for containing inflation is the not the right path.. it is the easy path ..but definitely not the right path…why because similar situation will come many times in our long hard journey & precedence of compromising on growth will leave us with escape route with no focus on our target & our commitment will dwindle with each wind. It is like sailing in a sea wherein large waves are reality however you don’t lose your sight on where you want to go..
Current winds are European Crises -> Basel Norms., High Inflation, depreciating rupees/$.....
doctor prescribes medicine to patient ..however if the same medicine has been taken by healthy men it will be poisonous.
In a globalised world prescription of Europian crises may affect much more to us rather than crises itself..
As is evident that globalised world today is led by western country….via their credit rating agencies, inflated pockets full of money- which doesn’t reflect the same amount of labour hour/commodity/services which generated it.. however definitely can buy at least 10 times of the labour hour/commodity/services in less developed world…& irony is it is beneficial to both of us. Developed world & emerging economy like us…business with them is making our imperfect /inefficient world much more perfect/efficient & inturn both are getting profited…though share of profit may be much more towards developed worlds…
My theme of pondering is that it is our duty to do the same with underdeveloped nations spread across Africa, Latin America, South East Asia, Eastern Europe & pockets of Asia..
& Definition of underdeveloped is not limited to per capita income. It is too generalist a term to depend upon developing strategy for execution..
We need to go sector by sector. Industry by industry & see where those nations/pockets got strategic advantage…which can be bloomed with our help/tie-ups..
Aggressive tie-ups, business & strategic long terms deals which will free us …free us in the sense that we need not focus our energy, effort, wealth /capital investment inside our country for things which can be produced cheaply in underdeveloped nations & procured at a prices which will not get affected directly by our supply of money inside the national market.. necessary for high growth of a nation.. Let there be continuous high inflation…but in the sectors which doesn’t stress our society, where aggressive capital investment is required & which is necessary for long term interest of our nation..
Outsourcing will help us as it is helping the western countries. Without Infosys/TCS/CTS etc… there wouldn’t be any Google /Facebook/ Apple.. The theory of comparative advantage will be beneficial to us if we develop very close business relations with those pockets of earth which are less competitive to us.. however have the capability to serve us..
एक टिप्पणी भेजें
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