ContrADICTion,confusion,crEATivity,confidence,arguments, inTELLegence,humBLEneSS,aggrisiveness melted & cREAteD the soul i am...loves to expLORE, extrapolate,theorise & think about the fields which are not releted , basicaly a Wandering & Curious soul who dosn't get quanched ..

मंगलवार, अक्टूबर 04, 2005

Lost in translation

You are the one…aren’t you?
Day n night beat by beat with every beat her thoughts mingle with my existence …
Flows as a blood in my veins and becomes dream in my loneliness….
Roaming alone in lonely roads without any reason
You only touch my heart by becoming my music…..

And every moment I the crazy, hypnotized by your thoughts try to become ignorant of my own existence which holds your soul deeper inside my heart….
Yes I am aware…. You are the one….
See your eyes in my eyes….
And then you will also know that I only resides in your hearts, echoed n reflected through my eyes …only me only me ….me n me alone..
You may not have seen your own heart so close before this.