ContrADICTion,confusion,crEATivity,confidence,arguments, inTELLegence,humBLEneSS,aggrisiveness melted & cREAteD the soul i am...loves to expLORE, extrapolate,theorise & think about the fields which are not releted , basicaly a Wandering & Curious soul who dosn't get quanched ..

बुधवार, मार्च 30, 2005

today was the quiz of ccna..

the whole day i slept & bunked the class ..& what was the excuse,,
CCNA quiz..
any way i attempted 1/3 rd ..which is quite nice ..& it makes me a happy person..
today i enjoyed evening food & then gone for attending entreprenuer class which was quite good..
enough for todays detail...
will be regular or else will try to be regular now onwards..