ContrADICTion,confusion,crEATivity,confidence,arguments, inTELLegence,humBLEneSS,aggrisiveness melted & cREAteD the soul i am...loves to expLORE, extrapolate,theorise & think about the fields which are not releted , basicaly a Wandering & Curious soul who dosn't get quanched ..

बुधवार, अगस्त 24, 2005

Reality is Independent of Perception:

Reality is something Unique & absolute for an object.
Perception is the inference which our mind derives from the data which we get from our senses & experiences. It (differs)/ (may differ) from person to person & subjective in nature.

First I will prove that there exists infinite number of perceptions for the same object.
Let’s say X1 is the perception for the object. We all know that there exists at least one (Let’s say your perception).
Now assume that there exist n numbers of perceptions for the same object: X1, X2, X3…..Xn.
I can add one more perception Xn+1 for the same object which is let say mine.
So by Induction it is proved that there exists infinite number of perception for the same object.

Secondly assume that Reality is a function of Known Perceptions i.e. Reality depends upon Perceptions which is known;

Y = f(X1,X2,X3,….Xn)
Now since there exist infinite number of perceptions I may learn k more perceptions.
Then reality will become
Y’ = f(X1,X2,X3…..Xn…..Xn+k)
Now since Y =/= Y’
Y is not unique;
Which is contradictory to our axiom that reality is unique?
And hence, proved by contradiction that Reality if it exists uniquely can’t be dependent upon perceptions.

सोमवार, अगस्त 22, 2005

in Jaipur

Summer training days in jaipur
in backdrop Havamahal
havamahal4  &me

L &Tite

third from left..
The tarrace

शनिवार, अगस्त 20, 2005

Coded Crap

20th august 1979

1) For the lucky readers of my blog & Asteroid #3618 India premier Charan Singh resigns

2) N Chernykh discovers asteroid #3618 & said , beware I am faster then you. by the way how many rounds u have completed up to this time..
Register your self, for coffee, in comment section.

3) Singer Vikki Carr & Michael Nilsson wed and said I will host a coffee party, if he is in Chennai other vise virtual java cup he is to drink by chanting my name as a mantra.

4) decode it & may be you will be lucky, any way, I have taken privilege to come to earth & made my vociferous cry to let the world know about my arrival.

Google search will not give the fourth information.
Actually nothing comes free & whatever comes free doesn’t have any value.

गुरुवार, अगस्त 18, 2005

Something about rakhi

We do not have any reliable evidence on when, why or where Raksha Bandhan came into vogue. There is, however, a well-known tale in the Puranas about a fierce battle that raged between the gods and demons. From news received from the battlefield it appeared that the demons were getting the upper hand and would gain victory.Indra, the supreme deity, summoned his teacher Vrihaspati to his court for advice. Indra's wife Indrani was also present. Before the teacher could speak, Indrani rose and said, "I know how to assure the victory of the gods. I give you my word that we will win."The next day was the full moon night of the month of Shravan. Indrani had a charm prepared as prescribed by the sacred texts and tied it on the wrist of her husband. And no sooner did Indra appear on the battlefield with the charm onhis hand than the demons scattered and fled. The demons bit the dust and the gods were victorious.
It would appear that the Raksha Bandhan of today is derived from this belief. It is held that if a chord made according to the prescriptions of the holy texts is tied round the wrist of a person on the full moon day of Shravan it will ensure him good health, success and happiness for the year that follows.
Whatever be the origin of Raksha Bandhan, today it has come to be a kind of sisters' day, symbolising the love that binds them to their brothers.No matter where a brother may be, be he across the seven seas, on this day he must wear the coloured chord round his wrist. You can realise the sanctity of this custom from the fact that, even if a girl who is a total stranger ties this chord on the wrist of a young man, from then on the two regard each other as brother and sister and consider themselves closer than other blood relations.

There are many instances in our history when the real worth of these seemingly worthless pieces of string was demonstrated in the field of battle. The most famous of these incidents is the tale of Maharani Karmvati (or Karunavati). It is said that once Governor Bahadur Shah besieged her kingdom. When Karmvati saw the countless horde led by Bahadur Shah, she lost heart. Then suddenly she thought of Emperor Humayun. She sent him a rakhi. Normally Emperor Humayun would not have gone to the aid of a Hindu Maharani fighting Bahadur Shah. But so strong was the tradition of rakhi that Emperor Humayun immediately proceeded to Mewar. By the time he got there, however, the Maharani had immolated herself on a funeral pyre. The Emperor was grief-stricken. But he pursued Bahadur Shah, caught up with him, and routed his army. In the annals of the Mughals, there are many instances of Mughal emperors accepting rakhi bands from Hindu women and pledging to respect their honour. The history of Rajasthan is replete with examples of sacrifices of life made by men to protect the honour of women who had tied rakhis on their wrists.
During the freedom movement, many women tied rakhis on men's wrists and made them pledge their lives to the struggle for India's liberation. It was probably for this reason that the great leader of Bengal, Surendranath Banerjee, tried to elevate Raksha Bandhan to the status of a national festival.Women who have no brothers, or men who have no sisters deserve our sympathy. If God were to ask them for a wish, without doubt, instead of asking for good luck or prosperity, a woman would ask for a brother and a man for a sister.
Another historical incident is recorded in the history of Alexander the Great, when he invaded Punjab. The King of Punjab at the time Porus was a very pious and brave king with whom Alexander had to do battle. Alexander's fiancee tied a rakhri on Porus's hand and asked for him to spare him (Alexander) during the ensuing battle. In the battle Alexander at one time was at the mercy of Porus but the King spared Alexander's life but this cost him the battle. When Porus was brought in front of Alexander, he asked Porus how should he be treated, and the immortal words which King Porus uttered were, 'As a King treats a King.' Alexander was very impressed with this and gave Porus back his kingdom. (Kanwal)

रविवार, अगस्त 14, 2005

A gift you never know..

Come together & feel the freedom
Save it Savor it & if you like it, Share it.
A gift you never know..

Take deep breath in & sense the sovereignty
Voice your voice & See that its you
Your head which you held high,
Your spine which is straight & strong..
Your arms which is free to act
& your legs which can march through marshal

Come together & feel the freedom
Save it Savor it & if you like it, Share it.
A gift you never know..

But remember ..
it doesn’t came free of cost.

For every breath there are many chocked lung
For every voice there are many buried weeping

Head which you held high a gift u never know
Many heads crushed by butt of revolver

Your straight spine a gift you never know..
Many spines over ran by horses,

Arms tied legs broken Head crushed & spine wrecked
On that podium you stand straight

A gift you never know
Save it,Savor it & if you like it, Share it.
Come together & feel the freedom.

बुधवार, अगस्त 10, 2005

Kellogs Dean Jain in our campus

Today we heard Kellogs dean Jain on his personal experiences of how he got into Kellogs & his association with Dean Jacob(Ex dean of Kellogs B'school).
He was of firm opinion that EVERY ONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE.
Always look forward,whatever happened is happened. If damage is done, it's done, don't spoil your Dinner at least.

Henry Beinen incumbent president of Kellogs, discussed about the emerging economies,
India's changing equations with America & its effect on foreign policies regarding security/economy.

Our director Prof. M.S.Ananth emphasized the increasing importance of short term courses for professionals & MOU with US universities in this regard for creation of VIIT (virtual IIT). He also made a point that though researchers are cheap in India, equipments are not.

रविवार, अगस्त 07, 2005

Just Smile

Just Smile

What I want
Your smile..

Neither I say nor you,
Just smile

Voice of heart not polluted by words
Simple & innocent spontaneous which is..
Nothing it convey but true love
Ah but smile it never waits

You are with others hang on there..
Buds are beautiful hanging on their own..
Air caress her petals & bee drink her juice
Sun touches her & moon embraces her
Flourishing buds.. Just Smile

It is twinkling in your eyes, which is mine..
I dream with them & smile back
& you know they are nothing but moon light..